Human Resource


Head of Human Resource

The Human Resources Department caters for the welfare of staff in all departments of the Polytechnic on behalf of the administration. These services include:

  • Overseeing the maintenance and updating of staff records
  • Implementation of HR polices
  • Training and development of staff capacity
  • Implementation and administration of all HR systems
  • Recruitment and selection of new staff
  • Coordination of workers’ welfare issues
  • Managing employee relation matters.

The Kisumu National Polytechnic has a rich history stretching from its humble beginnings in 1967 to the ISO re-certification recently conducted in October 2016. The HR department would like to invite partners and other stakeholders to support it in funding various programmes within the institution to empower staff and collaborating in the provision of adequate facilities for students.


  • Additional office space and modern equipment for staff
  • Creation of an excellent working environment
  • Construction of excellent sporting facilities in institution for staff and students


  • To foster the rational improvement of staff welfare
  • To improve employee satisfaction level from 72.8 per cent to 85 per cent
  • Acquisition of more modern working equipment’s and machines
  • To maximize customer satisfaction through improvement of staff service delivery.