Internal Audit

Internal Audit


CPA Barack Oduor Oluoch.

Head of Internal Audit.

Internal auditing is an independent, Objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. The Internal Audit department, Kisumu National Polytechnic helps the institution accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. Our Internal Audit activities are risk based and we are guided by; the International Professional Practices framework (IPPF), The constitution of Kenya, the public finance and management act and regulations, The government Gazette notices on internal audit function, Circulars, The institutions Charter, policies and procedures among other laws and regulations.

Core Principles

The Integrity of Internal Audit staff establishes trust and thus provides the basis for reliance on our judgement.
We exhibit the highest level of professional objectivity in gathering, evaluating, and communicating information about the activity or process being examined.
We respect the value and ownership of information we receive and do not disclose information without appropriate authority unless there is a legal or professional obligation to do so.
We apply the knowledge, skills, and experience needed in the performance of internal audit activities.

  1. Review and evaluate budgetary performance, financial management, transparency and accountability mechanisms and processes in the Institution.
  2. Give reasonable assurance through the audit committee on the state of risk management, control, and governance within the Institution.
  3. Review the effectiveness of the financial and non-financial performance management systems of the entities

The scope of IA encompasses but not limited to the examination and evaluation of the adequacy and effectiveness of the organization’s governance, risk management and internal controls as well as the quality of performance in carrying out assigned responsibilities to achieve the organizations stated goals and objectives. This includes: –

  1. Evaluating the risk exposure relating to the achievement of the strategic objectives.
  2. Evaluating the reliability and integrity of information and the means used to identify, measure, classify and report such information.
  3. Evaluating systems established to ensure compliance with those policies, procedures, laws, and regulations which could have a significant impact on the organization.
  4. Evaluating the means of safeguarding assets and as appropriate, varying the existence of such assets.
  5. Evaluating operations or programs to ascertain whether results are consistent with the established objectives and goals and whether the operations or programs are being carried out as planned.
  6. Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the organization’s risk management process.