Welcome to TKNP Library Section

User Education is the program that equips library users with skills to access, evaluate and use the information to satisfy their needs We offer user education in our library in three levels which include;

Library Orientation:
It is an introduction to library building and some basic reference materials. The orientation is aimed at the following; Motivation for searching and using the information, Creating awareness about available information resources, Exposing them to various organizational tools of the library.
Library Instruction:
It teaches the users, how to use the indexes, bibliographic tools, abstracts, and other references materials. This level often gives instructions to the researchers in their field to get specific information resources. The aims are as follows; Provide specific instructions to how to use and understand specific information system, information sources and tools.
Bibliographic Instruction:
These instructions aimed at; exposing to the users the bibliographical tools. Providing guidance to understand the features of these tools and their nature of subject coverage.
Methods used to provide User Education:
  1. Lecture Method: This is the most preferred kind of instruction in our library. We employ it for teaching large groups of users.
  1. On-Site Visit to the Library: this is where users visit our library and we show them around giving them the necessary instruction s and guidance on how to use the library.
Library Membership Rules:
For one to be a member of the library the following are required
  1. For the students is a valid college identification card.
  2. For the staff a note from the head of department or section affirming that you are a member of the department. For staff a valid college identification card.

Library Hours:
The library operating hours are as follows: Monday – Friday 8.45 am – 5.00 pm Weekends and public holidays the library remains closed.
Borrowing Rules:
A user is allowed to borrow two books at any given time. The borrowed material is to be out for 5 work days. The weekends are not counted. Renewal of materials is after 24 hours in case of no duplicate copy.
Return Policies:
A user is provided with information on the due date the material is to be returned. The return date is equally put on the date slip in the book as a reminder. There is an automatic reminder by email to the user of an overdue. Failure to return on the due date there is a charge ie short loan materials ksh 100 per day, the general section materials ksh 20 per day.
Library Conduct:
SILENCE is a GOLDEN in the library. There is a specific area for discussions in the library for the users. The library rules and regulations clearly states the dos and don’ts of the library ie no fights in the library, dress decently, no defacing of library materials/ property etc. There are fines to take care of the above bullet.
Noise Levels:
All reading areas there should be no noise making. Phones are to be on silent mode. Receiving of calls is to be done outside the library building.
Handling of Library Materials:
A user found defacing library materials is surcharged three times the value of the defaced item. The user may equally loose the privilege of using the library services for stipulated amount of time. The above bullets are well stated in the rules and regulations of the library.
Use of Electronic Resources:
Library computers with Internet access and other applications are provided for, library-related learning, , information research etc All users are expected to use these resources in a responsible manner and to follow the basic library rules and regulations Library staff will provide basic instructions and identify specific starting points for searches Users are not allowed to change any of the computer settings, configurations, software, or hardware. Users are expected to inform the staff in charge if there are any technical problems with the computers. If users willfully damage library computers, they will be required to pay for necessary repairs. Web-social sites and chat groups are not allowed, but are only allowed with permission from the staff in charge of the section in case there is a document to be retrieved. Users are only allowed to download academic electronic materials and not entertainment videos
Food and Drink Policies:
There is no drink or food allowed in the library. Anyone carrying a drink or food can only be left at the cloakroom. If one needs to take they pick and go out to eat or drink.
Security Measures:
There are CCTV cameras in use. There is a book sensor in place. There is a security officer at the entrance. There are library staff who monitor what is going on within the building at every station. Violating security is handled at different levels depending on the kind of offence eg for book theft the department handles.
Access to Special Collections:
The user has to identify oneself first. Specify what material is needed. Special collection does not leave the library. Leave us with your ID as you use the material within the library. Library Events and Programs:
In case of any upcoming event or workshop to be hosted by the library eg record keeping, information classification etc the users will be informed prior to the workshop and those interested can join.
Interlibrary Loan Services:
Through BUKU and KLISC we are able to communicate online and source for any materials we are in need of. The KNLS also allows for borrowing.
Complaint Procedures:
There is a complain box at the entrance of the library At the reception there is a complaint and compliment book register which is checked and acted upon in case of complains.
Emergency Procedures:
We have fire extinguishers and fire alarm. There are several emergency exits There are water horses We have first aid kit.


A Current Awareness Service (CAS) is a service that provides up-to-date information on a specific topic or field. It is designed to keep individuals, researchers, and professionals informed of the latest developments, trends, and news in their areas of interest. Types of Current Awareness Service that are used in our library include;
Current Awareness Bulletin:
Which covers the following; General information about the library e.g. new members of the library staff, new telephone numbers, new services, etc. General news items (items culled out from newspapers relating to libraries etc)
Table of Contents (TOC) List Service:
Here the contents pages of new information materials are photocopied and sent to the users according to their areas of interest.
List of New Arrivals:
The list of new books acquired by the library can be prepared either through the software which is being used by the library or manually. The list is sent to the various clients of the library to browse. Samples of the new arrivals are displayed in the display area of the library building.
Newspaper Clipping Service:
we also provide newspaper clipping service to the users. Newspapers are current awareness media and they carry useful information for the readers.

Opening Hours

Library working hours:

Monday to Thursday : 8:30am to 5:00pm

Friday : 8:30am to 4:00pm

Saturday, Sunday and public holidays –closed

Useful Resources

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